Pension Decisions

You have contributed to your pension for a long time, now what?

Buxton Financial For Retirement can help you plan, time and execute your pension to maximize your retirement goals.

The decision to retire is life changing, exciting and perhaps scary. There are so many decisions to make that will affect the rest of your life.

Our process allows you to comfortably go through all of the decisions that need to be made. We help complete all of the company forms as well. Through advice, guidance and support, you can make decisions that are best for your needs.

Everyone's financial situation is different and there are many variables involved.

We look at your needs and figure out what is best for you!


5 things to consider before retiring from OPG or any defined benefit pension plan:

Taxes: The most tax efficient time to retire if you are taking any lump sum is January.

Cash Flow: If you have taken a lump sum and paid off debt, your monthly cash flow needs are usually less. Know what your cash flow needs are now and in the future.

Time: What are you going to do with the time you previously spent working? It’s a lot of hours to fill. Have a plan.

Medical Coverage: Know how to keep your medical coverage.

Spouse: Make sure your spouse is on board with your decision to retire. This affects you both in different ways.